EagleNest is a nesting product designed to fulfill the typical placement requirements of the shoe industry in cutting man-made materials. When EagleNest places the shapes, it complies with the orientation constraints specified for the material, and factors in the manual work involved in picking up and sorting pieces after cutting.
EagleNest tends to place all together the pieces of a single shape, in order to make it easier for the operator to collect pieces for the same pile of pieces. While pursuing this goal, the most important objective is to save material, and EagleNest computes very compact patterns when nesting a block of pieces of the same shape.
In order to minimize waste between groups of different shapes, EagleNest chooses to leave a small quantity of shapes that don’t make a full row of shapes for a nesting area at the end of the layout, where it mixes small quantities of shapes in a free pattern.
EagleNest can easily cooperate with the control software of Atom’s cutting tables Flashcut and is best suited for off-line nesting of rolls achieving yields in line with typical costing parameters.