Job Manager, is the complete solution for the management of cutting rooms, from the small ones to the most complex and structured ones. It integrates many features into one easy user interface: order import from ERP, automatic nesting, output to cutting machines and reports from the shop floor.
- Multi-database access. Job Manager is able to access more than one database at the same time. This allows to overlook delocalised production units from the headquarters or to connect sampling rooms with cutting rooms while sharing just the needed information.
- Input/Output. Job Manager allows to import parts and/or complete articles (as complex as shoes or sofas) from CuteCad files (.ccf) or from any exchange file format coming from external Cad programs, like DXF, ISO, and much more. Cutting programs can be saved in many formats: DXF, HPGL, ISO, G-Code, Atom. The fully customisable architecture of Job Manager allows to integrate conversions for any cutting machine.
- Order entry. Customised automatic import procedures from ERPs or external databases can be easily implemented, through the development of custom plugins.
- Full choice of nesting strategies. Any automatic nesting strategy can be plugged into Job Manager to optimise the consumption of material. The nesting process is completely run in batch mode, so that the cutting layouts are calculated overnight and do not impact on production time.
- Reporting. Job Manager provides standard reporting on order processing and material consumption. As well as all the other features of Job Manager, customised report sheets can be provided on demand.
- Cutting room viewer. The best solutions to monitoring your cutting room activities.